Modern agriculture entails a series of practices and methods that make it possible to use resources efficiently and minimize environmental impacts, while seeking sustainability through responsible agricultural practices. Irrigation systems, integrated pest management, crop rotation, management and soil management are some of the most significant practices in the development of agricultural production activities.
The San Juan Valley, southern zone of the Dominican Republic, is distinguished by its high production of fruits and vegetables destined for export. P&Y VALLEY FARMS as an agricultural company remains at the forefront with state-of-the-art technologies, which it uses in the production of crops to satisfy the most demanding customers who trust in the integrity of the DEL VALLE PEPPERS label.
The Company’s Management System is the way by which safety, health, social responsibility and Fair Trade practices are established. In this system, the company’s values are displayed; respect, integrity and fair treatment.
Agricultural production is essential for the health and nutrition of all people, but responsible agriculture is required with safe practices and a vision of continuous improvement in activities and technological advances for its development. Our goal is the reduction of agrochemicals every day in our production using more intelligent production systems.
At P&T VALLEY FARMS, we have a reforestation plan with 3 days a year where the planting of trees is encouraged in all the areas where we have a presence, as well as awareness and care campaigns for the environment.